In between regular postings of This EMPIRE are “yesteryear” strips. These segments will hopefully provide some interesting vignettes into Niall’s and Jamal’s past.

Please note: For more information click on an image or text highlighted in Navy Blue.

Interesting experiment with digital lettering, it’s a bit rough, teachable moments. Going through this process it gave me the chance to once again re-learn some fundamentals.

“I was told when I started was that the job of the letterer is to not get noticed,” he said. “If you’re doing your job correctly, no one will see the lettering.” – Chris Eliopoulos

“[W]hen a soundtrack is really good, I do notice it, and it adds to my enjoyment of a good movie,” Klein said. “I don’t see why lettering can’t do the same for comics.” – Todd Klein

Read more from that article here.

Quote Me: Word Counts in Comics by Alan Moore by John Freeman

“You should never overwrite and be ruthless about dialogue — cut it, cut it and cut it to tell the story through the images as well as the words, but most particularly, the pictures!”

“What he (Alan Moore) said was: if you’ve got six panels on a page, then the maximum number of words you should have in each panel is 35. No more. That’s the maximum. 35 words per panel. 


Putting this comic together I used a font type from Blambot which were developed by Nate Piekos. Another company that create fonts and provide computer lettering, Comicraft, by Richard Starkings. 

Further reading Letterer – Wikipedia, Speech Balloon – Wikipedia.

Getting back to work on another short comic, updates will posted as it is further develop.

This EMPIRE is still er… here, adjusting to shifts in the multiverse

Thank you for reading, back to making comics.
