New Possibilities
Related strips: One night with other friends
This serves as the part two of the epilogue to the previous the story arc. Pardon the delay, a lot I do mean a lot of rewrites went into this strip. New possibilities is rather cryptic, hey that just part of the fun in storytelling 😉 Does this make Niall an opportunist, well the cast page did allude to something along those lines.
New possibilities, if you haven’t heard Marvel released a digital first platform. There have been several attempts before at different variations, but this one does not take in consideration of doing a print version. Trying to fully embrace all the possibilities in a digitally formatted comic.
Click on the image below to go Comixology store page to purchase this little gem for $0.99 cents.
For more information click on the links above & below in Navy Blue.
Mark Waid: Blundering His Way Through Comics Since 1985
Stuart Immonen: Maison Immonen
New possibilities Gordon McAlpin’s Multixplex‘s kickstarter fundraiser for Book 2 is pretty much a success at time of this writing the project is 114% funded. Congratulations, it seems he was the first webcartoonist to use Kickstarter to fund a comics project, and made a few mistakes. Glad to hear it’s going well this time around. There is still time to contribute to Book 2, and maybe Book 3.
Click on the image below to go the Kickstarter page.
For more information click on the links above & below in Navy Blue.
Gordon McAlpin: Digital Artist
So next week we will be back with alternating yesteryear comics/sketches, and regular comics bi-weekly (for now). If not something will be here in it’s place “minding the store” 🙂
Thank you for reading, back to making comics.
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