*Workplace Journal
“I Am Jack’s Medulla Oblongata“
Why try another full panel / splash page?
I Am Jack’s Calvin And Hobbes – the infamous “Fight Club is Calvin & Hobbes”
*STRIPPED: The Comics Documentary
By: Dave Kellett and Fred Schroeder
***UPDATED*** – They have reached their minimum pledge for the Kick starter drive *\o/* With 22 days to go you can contribute to make a even better film experience. Listed in the post are several incentives if they can get additional funding. A big one for me if they would be able to put all… yes… “ALL 230 HOURS of the individual interviews as super-cheap downloads on iTunes.”
The documentary brings you stories of people behind the comics a “love letter” about a wonderful medium. This has been something I have been hoping to see it workout and it did.
Thank you for reading, back to making comics.
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