Yesteryear – Afternoon Matinée
In between regular postings of This EMPIRE are “yesteryear” strips. These segments will hopefully provide some interesting vignettes into Niall and Jamal’s past.
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Related Strips: Yesteryear
Meanwhile as I pull together reworked plot points which will be reworked after that for This EMPIRE another yesteryear comic this time featuring Tyrone, Cellar Dweller, Jamal, Niall, and Bentley taking in a afternoon matinée.
Below a link to an article on how some comic professionals handle writing this wonderful medium:
- Brian K. Vaughan, Jonathan Hickman, and Grant Morrison Teach You How To Make Good Comics by Shosnana Kessock
Source: TOR·COM Science Fiction. Fantasy. The universe.
I can’t tell how much I enjoy going to see films at the theater even if one has a wall size screen at their home for me it doesn’t quite compare. Pardon me a moment, I need to watch myself before I blather on forever and forever 🙂
My frequency lately has dipped quite low these days, but listed below are some interesting moments:
- Twilight Zone: The Movie (1983) Fantasy | Horror | Sci-Fi – The only time when I had to leave the theater when I found a scene too intense. Guess which scene and you may get a “No Prize.”
- Beginning of the End (1957) Sci-Fi – First time I recall getting actual nightmare over a film. My father burst into the room and after my rambling about oh my gosh giant grasshoppers stated, “…after all the stuff you watch, it takes giant grasshoppers to give you nightmares.” Okay maybe there’s a bit of embellishment but he wasn’t too keen with my reasons for the AM outburst.
- The Incredibles (2004) Animation | Action | Adventure – There is something about the odd, comforting shared experience one can have with strangers while watching film. There were plenty of scenes in this film I enjoyed hearing other people reactions.
By the way check out Multiplex – a comic strip about life at the movies by Gordon McAlpin.
Thank you for reading, back to making comics.
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