In between regular postings of This EMPIRE are “yesteryear” strips.  These segments will hopefully provide some interesting vignettes into Niall and Jamal’s past.

Please note: For more information click on an image or text highlighted in Navy Blue.

Related Strips:  Yesteryear, #15 Qoui, #16 What does one do?

Currently flushing out new story arcs for  the comic, so I will post some yesteryear comics to keep up momentum. 

This EMPIRE is still bi-weekly, plus or minus me adjusting to shifts in the multiverse 🙂

Heroes Convention

June 19th – 21st

Came and went oh boy I can’t believe it I was bit, just a bit tongue tied when I met some comic professionals. But hey when this happens (see picture below) who couldn’t get excited. Toddy-J met Pat Broderick one of his comic influences an artist best know for his work on Marvel Micronauts. But for Toddy-J it was Pat work on DC Comics Captain Atom and Firestorm that thrill him the most.


San Diego Comic Convention

July 9th – July 12th

I wish I was there at least for one panel which would have been hard to pick. I hear time and time again how convention is too big, not about comics anymore some probably valid critiques. It would be great to attend at least once. Just for the experience, so I can complain ad nauseam how the convention lost it’s way 🙂 

Listed below are some of the many panels that happen last week:

*Warner Bros Studios Panel – DC Films

*Warner Bros Studios Panel – DC Television

*Fox Marvel Comic Con Panel – Deadpool, X-Men Apocalypse, Fantastic Four

*Star Wars The Force Awakens Comic Con Panel

**Bonus Featurette (Comic-Con 2015 Reel)


Yes the image you see above is selfie from the Fox Studios panel with Stan Lee. Feel free to click on the picture for a video.

Thank you for reading, back to making comics.