In between regular postings of This EMPIRE are “yesteryear” strips.  These segments will hopefully provide some interesting vignettes into Niall and Jamal past.

Related Strips:  Yesteryear 

This week’s comics is a bit off in the production schedule due to the recent holiday, I hope everyone had good one. While indulging in the festivities I made a slight detour to one my favorite local comic’s shops “Heroes Aren’t Hard to Find.”  Boy was I thankful catching up with the clerks, picking up supplies, checking back issue bins, seeing new releases… then later I woke up from a blackout cause by a comic slightly overload 😉

Be sure to mark your calendars in 2012 for June 22-24.  Heroes Convention will be celebrating their 3oth year, it looks to be epic.

Heroes Convention 30th Anniversary

So next time continuing the story arc Niall and Jamal next adventure, under the working title; “One night with other friends”

Jamie Noguchi is a freelance illustrator who I may mention here before his work also includes the comic  Yellow Peril ¥P  from time to time he put out videos about his work.  Recent posts talk about; it never too late to make comics and getting into the social scene of the industry.  I found them be quite informative, many thanks to him for making these available.

Never too old to comic

Breaking into the Comics Social Scene

Thank you for reading, back to making comics.

