“Have you met”
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Related comics: http: #0012 A lot more value, #0041 My Wingman, #0051 Strange Occurences
“Wait is this the end of the comic?”
This was the statement from one of the attendees from the weekly sketch group, #SketchBomb-NC, I have the pleasure of attending. Usually I tend pass around some works in progress to get some feedback on upcoming comics. It was interesting to see how one reader came to that conclusion. It is not the end at all, this comic has a long way to go. Maybe with some different stories, and comics along way. I hope you come back and read often.
“Have you met…,” one of the many interesting quotes that I enjoyed from the TV series “How I Met Your Mother“ which is in it’s final season.
For example:
*Wingman Taps random on the Shoulder*
“Have you met Ted?”
Random: “No, I haven’t—”
Wingman walks away.
Ted: “Hi, I’m Ted”
Random: “Yasmine”.
Thank you for reading, back to making comics.
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