In between regular postings of This EMPIRE are “yesteryear” strips.  These segments will hopefully provide some interesting vignettes into Niall and Jamal’s past.

Please note: For more information click on an image or text highlighted in Navy Blue.

Related Strips: Yesteryear

The comic above is a slight revision to my university day’s work, The Mysterious Cellar Dweller.  This past weekend I had the opportunity to attend Heroes Aren’t Hard To Find annual comic book convention.  

In preparation for the convention I usually go through my boxes of comics selecting various titles to get a favorite writer, artist, or team for autographs.  Oh boy I had a list, very long list.  Plus I tried to accomplish that challenge in one day failing miserably 🙂 I mention before it’s a been awhile since I been to a convention forgetting some opportunities they offer.  During the conventions especially small or mid-size one, HeoresCon, you get to enjoy some conversations with the industry professionals on the floor or in topic specific panels.  Checking out artist pages from comic books. New product demonstrations.  Amateurs who are getting their feet wet showing their latest mini-comics.  Attendees dressing up as various characters. Also shopping for good deals on trade paperbacks and digging into dollar bins. 

Hope see you there next year June 7 – 9 2013 for Heroes 31st annual comic book convention 🙂 

Luckily there was only a few moments of me being slightly tongue tied, not in a state of shock meeting someone. Or experiencing a moment similar to when Troy Barnes has a meltdown after meeting his idol LeVar Burton in “Community” Intermediate Documentary Filmmaking episode.

Troy Barnes: I told Pierce a thousand times, I never wanted to meet Levar Burton in person. I just wanted a picture. You can’t disappoint a picture. I hate you Pierce! I hate you so much aaaaaaahhhhh!

Oh no, I missed the season finale of The Legend of Korrabut I manage to catch the finale last evening. 

Above image source: Josh Middleton

Does this exceed the loved I have for the previous incarnation Avatar: The Last Airbender?  I highly enjoy this season but some things did seem a bit rush.  There could have been some interesting stories to explore in the next season.  The current finale has me wondering what next? 

Thank you for reading back to making comics.
