In between regular postings of This EMPIRE are “yesteryear” strips and sketches. 

Please note: For more information click on an image or text highlighted in Navy Blue.

Related Strips: Sketch

The sketch above was courtesy of another round of mischief making 😉 at Sketch Bomb – NC currently meeting every Wednesday at The Morning Times 7 pm – 10 pm. Please note most of the sketches depicted are not from life drawing sessions.  Just me pulling reference material from various periodicals.  Attending some life drawing classes is something I hope to do in the future. 

Er, boy do I need to work on my drawing of females hopefully this latest attempt with the brush pen will make up for the time I could not bring myself to inked a sketch from a previous session.

Local(ly) News – 2012 AIA Triangle Tour of Residential Architecture

6 Architects 6 Homes 6 Experiences

A public tour of award-winning houses – October 6th, 2012

Third Annual American Institute of Architects Triangle Tour of Residential Architecture featuring architect-designed homes throughout the Triangle. 

Raleigh – Durham – Chapel Hill, North Carolina

+ Facebook | AIA Triangle Tour

+ Twitter | @AIAtriangleTour


Thank you for reading, back to making comics.
