In between regular postings of This EMPIRE are “yesteryear” strips and sketches.
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Related Strips: Sketch
Art for Sandy Relief Effort – Auctions Comic Art To Benefit Victims of East Coast Storm
“In what’s just the latest example of the comics community’s ceaseless generosity when it comes to people in need, former Marvel art director and current Disney designer Rich Ginter and Marvel’s Sales & Communications Coordinator James Viscardi have organized an art auction to benefit victims of Hurricane Sandy. Officially called Art For Sandy Relief, the project has already collected and begun auctioning material from Paolo Rivera, John Paul Leon and Tony Moore, among others, with proceeds going to the Steve Siller Tunnels to Towers Hurricane Relief Fund, a local charity.”
Other ways to help:
AIA Disaster Response – The American Institute of Architects
The Disaster Assistance Program supports a nation-wide network of architects who help communities prepare for, respond to, and recover from disasters.
Teams of trained architects are volunteering to provide building safety assessments and to help disaster victims safely return to their homes.
Thanks for your help
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